Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Hi Friends--
I know Vickie told you we'd be out of touch, but I got access to a computer tonight, so I'd thought I'd drop in a note. After this it might be a few days again, but we'll see.

Thanks for all your comments. I appreciate you reading!

On Saturday evening Donna, Bethany and I had dinner with a young couple preparing to go to the middle east. They are going into a very difficult region to serve Jesus. Toward the end of our visit this young man went over to the counter and picked up his Bible. He turned to Acts 13 and read the passage about the Church of Antioch laying hands on Barnabas and Saul before sending them out as missionaries. He then asked me to do the same for them. (This should sound terribly familiar to you Lakesiders, if you were in church the weekend before we left. If not, listen to the podcast from that weekend.) It was a beautiful opportunity to practice this biblical process. Pray for them as they prepare to go.

Today we returned from the beach with Steve and his family. We had three hours in the car together and listened to Steve's faith story. He reminded me that in the span of eight years he went from an antagonist to a passionate and productive follower of Jesus to missionary! I never stop being moved by the stories of such people. And I am so grateful that Steve is serving Jesus and Lakeside through his work in Costa Rica.

Tomorrow we leave for Brazil on a red-eye through Miami--sounds like a great flight, huh? (We have to say good-bye to Bethany.) We arrive in Brazil on Thursday morning.

More later. Stayed tuned...



Anonymous said...

Brad/Donna, I pray for you both as you encounter the bitter sweet departure from your daughter and all in Costa Rica and on to the excitement of your next stop.

Tonite I read Acts and wondered at Paul's travels and how bittersweet is was for him. Yet how strong he was in "..strengthening all the disciples" (18:23)

I pray that, like Paul, your encouragement comes at the continued sight of those who heard you were coming. I look forward to continued stories of how, together you rejoice in His name.

Oh, and be sure to drink lots of water while you are flying...

Jeff, Lor and the kids...

Jeri said...

Donna and Brad, We love hearing how your trip has been going and can imagine how precious your time with Bethany was! Our prayers are with you... Jeri and Doak

Rodger and Lynne Schmidt Mozambique said...

Brad and Donna,

By the time you read this, you'll be with our precious friends in Brazil! Give our greetings to all the staff. They are special people!

Anonymous said...

Hi Brad and Donna,
My small group is studying ACTS right now. I am so greatful to the Apostles for their bravery and unwavering courage to spread the good news... It is because of them that I know of Jesus' love for us...
My oldest left for Casa por Christo today... its his first mission trip.. there is evidence Brad...
Love hearing about your trip in "real time",,, you never fail to inspire,,, God is so good to us...
Praying for you all as you go forward...
Jim is doing an amazing job with the message, we are so blessed to have him...
take care,
Debbie Daly

Cindy said...

Brad & Donna,
I love to read about your experiences and the people you have encountered along the way. Thanks for being such a great teacher even from afar.
I hope that it wasn't too hard for you to say goodbye to Bethany, but know you left a piece of your heart there. I can sense your pride in all that she is doing to serve God.
I am sure that they are anxious to have you in Brazil, and then in Mozambique & Paris. Thanks for taking your sabattical to go "beyond."
God Bless You!
Cindy Dickson

Anonymous said...

Brad and Donna,

God bless you on your journey to the "other side." I am anticipating many more stories of God's faithfulness when you return.

My prayers are with you and the team will wave to you when we're in Africa! :o)

~ Pam Loomis

Anonymous said...

Brad and Donna -

Finally found how to post the comments :) Back and at it in Folsom. God is good. Thankful to be able to be side by side in ministry in Brazil. Sounds like you are experiencing great things in Moz. That place and people really grab your heart. The video of you on the boat was played this weekend, which went over very well.

Peace -

Jeff Kreiser