Friday, April 25, 2008

Friends Old and New

We spent the day with Steve and Jamie Wright. We toured their language school, their kids' school and enjoyed some time in their home. It was a day of hanging out together. One of the challenges of serving Jesus in a different country is the isolation that the distance and culture create. So we just reconnected. Tomorrow we'll be together again. Then on Sunday we'll participate in church with them. Pray for them as Jamie prepares to ramp up her work with the missionary interns with SonLife--young people doing what Bethany has been doing this year.

This evening we had dinner with the Tico family who hosted Bethany for two weeks recently. What a great family who practiced biblical hospitality toward our daughter. The father, Martin, is a Catholic man. He asked that I pray a blessing on his family before we left. What a privilege to share a meal with them and to seek God's grace for him. I don't know what kind of relationship this family has with the Lord, but you can pray that Bethany's witness to them would be bright and helpful.

God bless you,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings Brad and Donna, What an awesome journey you are on. It must have been almost surreal to see your daughter again and the work she is doing. You have brought so much to my family and I love being part of the church. It is wonderful to see you taking that same energy, commitment and message to others.

I have found in my own experience that it is not what you teach or say in the moment that sustains but the message and impression you leave behind that impacts people the most. In the quiet moments of their lives they will reflect on the words, actions and spirit that you left behind. Your authenticity shines bright and I am confident that although you may not see the change, a change will come to them in the form that will suit them best.

Go to your next destination in peace and safety and the 4 J's (Jim, Johanna, Joshua and Jordyn) will check back in soon. By the way, I am just a little jealous, that waterfall looked fabulous! Whew, now that I have that guilt off my mind, hehehe.

God Bless you and see you soon!