We participated at church with Jonathan and Karen today. Actually, we mostly just watched, because it was all in French. I was able to follow along in the gospel of Mark where Jesus told the story of the mustard seed. And I was able to participate in Communion, because that reminder of Jesus is very similar for Christians around the world. But for the most part (because of our language barrier) we were isolated and outsiders.
That makes Jesus' incarnation so clear. He came to earth because as long as he was in heaven and we were on earth, we were aliens to him. We couldn't understand his language. So he came into our culture and context, and brought the love of God with him. (Read John 1:1-18 for the Bible's expression of this.)
The reason we have sent missionaries around the world is to perpetuate the incarnation of Jesus. Whether in France or Mozambique or Folsom, when Christ-followers live out his life, we help others understand the heartbeat and character of God. We have been able to witness this in all these places we have visited: Followers of Jesus making him known to other human beings. Though we are scattered around the globe, we represent the one living God and Savior, Jesus.
I thought you might like a few more photos of our journey. So here are some from Normandy on Friday and from church today.
God bless you.
What an adventure you two are having!
We are all here living vicariously through your bolg and enjoying the good along with the trials. Thanks for finding a computer and adding the wonderful pics for us. When you get back I’ll take you out for some French Fries ok? LOL.
Brad and Donna,
So glad you guys are having a good time. We hope your time together strolling through the streets of Paris will be an amazing memory. Funny you mention the passage from Mark about the mustard seed. I will be preaching this Sunday from that text. I don't know what than means...just that I think is interesting. Thanks again for all your encouragement and friendship while in Mozambique. We feel quite loved. I hope you do as well.
Rodger, Lynne, Andrew and Stephen with all 8 of our other sons (interns) as well.
Deus te Abencoe!
WorldVenture, Mozambique
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