Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I know Vickie told you we'd be out of touch, but I got access to a computer tonight, so I'd thought I'd drop in a note. After this it might be a few days again, but we'll see.
Thanks for all your comments. I appreciate you reading!
On Saturday evening Donna, Bethany and I had dinner with a young couple preparing to go to the middle east. They are going into a very difficult region to serve Jesus. Toward the end of our visit this young man went over to the counter and picked up his Bible. He turned to Acts 13 and read the passage about the Church of Antioch laying hands on Barnabas and Saul before sending them out as missionaries. He then asked me to do the same for them. (This should sound terribly familiar to you Lakesiders, if you were in church the weekend before we left. If not, listen to the podcast from that weekend.) It was a beautiful opportunity to practice this biblical process. Pray for them as they prepare to go.
Today we returned from the beach with Steve and his family. We had three hours in the car together and listened to Steve's faith story. He reminded me that in the span of eight years he went from an antagonist to a passionate and productive follower of Jesus to missionary! I never stop being moved by the stories of such people. And I am so grateful that Steve is serving Jesus and Lakeside through his work in Costa Rica.
Tomorrow we leave for Brazil on a red-eye through Miami--sounds like a great flight, huh? (We have to say good-bye to Bethany.) We arrive in Brazil on Thursday morning.
More later. Stayed tuned...
A Few Days "Out of Range"
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Coffee Mates

We visited the Britt Coffee Company today, about 30 minutes from the house where we are staying. It is a beautifully run company for conceiving and achieving a mission. The coffee is good too.
We spent all afternoon with Steve and Jamie. Had great conversations about life as an alien in a foreign country. Steve and Jamie, like all new missionaries, are learning to deal with culture shock and adapting to their new place. They are doing a great job of this, but I'd love you to be praying for them in the process. Their ministry in the name of Jesus is dependent on their ability to thrive in this new and different environment.
I am learning the enormous value of visiting our missionaries on their turf. I've learned so much about how the church can help and encourage our team members abroad. I can't share details here due to the confidential nature of our conversations, but I am so pleased with the chance to connect with our teams. Thank you for making this possible. Please continue to pray for wisdom for Donna and me as we listen, learn and give whatever counsel might be helpful to our friends and colleagues.
Thanks. Grace,
Friday, April 25, 2008
Friends Old and New
This evening we had dinner with the Tico family who hosted Bethany for two weeks recently. What a great family who practiced biblical hospitality toward our daughter. The father, Martin, is a Catholic man. He asked that I pray a blessing on his family before we left. What a privilege to share a meal with them and to seek God's grace for him. I don't know what kind of relationship this family has with the Lord, but you can pray that Bethany's witness to them would be bright and helpful.
God bless you,
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mark told us the story of several young couples who are preparing to leave Costa Rica to serve in other parts of the world as missionaries. They are going to places where the gospel is not welcome, and where they will have to work a full-time job besides their ministries. More and more Latin Americans are preparing to go to other nations to carry the good news of Jesus. Mark said that fifty years ago many young Christian leaders were feeling called to go out as missionaries. However, when they asked their church leaders to support them, they were told no, there was enough work to do in Latin America. And the mission movement and the church here stalled. Now, fifty years later, the Spirit of God is moving people out again, and this time they are going. This is great news for the Kingdom of God. When the Lord calls, follow him.
Tomorrow we're with Steve and Jamie Wright, our friends who followed Jesus to serve in Costa Rica.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
On the Ground...Running
Hey Everybody--
We arrived safely last night and were met by our favorite missionary, Bethany! Everybody's doing well.
Highlights from today include:
~ Breakfast in town with our hosts, Mark & Karen Edwards, and Steve Wright
~ Lunch with Ernesto and Adrianna Alfaro--we talked about Ernesto's work with students and how some of the parents are coming to faith in Jesus through the student ministry.
~ Toured the SonLife campus with Steve--he directs the building and maintenance here. (John Norris, you would love his shop.)
~ Met David, a young Tico (Costa Rican) who is preparing to serve as a missionary in the Middle East! SonLife is sending a team of Latin Americans to the Middle East, a great opportunity for the gospel.
~ Dinner with the Edwards and Wrights--lots of fun & laughter; a great evening together.
God bless you,
First Day of Travel
OK, day one of the journey. I wonder what Paul and Barnabas dealt with on the first day of their trip. For us it was getting up at 4:30 a.m. Now "enjoying" a five-hour layover in Dallas-Ft. Worth before flying to Costa Rica tonight.
But it's worth it. We'll see Bethany tonight and begin seeking ways to encourage our missionary team.
Meanwhile, as we take this journey, I am reading through the book of Acts. Today I read Acts 1, and the story of Jesus' ascension into heaven. A key statement in Acts 1 is that Luke is now writing what Jesus continued to do through his apostles. They did not know yet what was coming, but they were aware that Jesus had entrusted this mission to them. They were about to find out what that would mean.
So are we.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Getting Ready to Go!
We are taking off for the Sacramento airport at 5:15 AM tomorrow and arriving in Costa Rica at 9:00 PM (with a 4 1/2 hour layover in Dallas/Ft. Worth). Thank you again for all your prayers and encouragment as we travel. We'll keep you posted!